CARWALD encourages customers to place their orders by 3:00 pm the previous day to ensure superior service.
Unloading time in excess of 10 minutes per cubic yard will be subject to an additional charge.
Small quantities may be subject to small load charge.
Spring/Winter Concrete heat charges are in effect as weather dictates, typically from October -May
Early or Late Pours may be subject to plant time charges and overtime charges.
Special admixtures/materials to be added at the jobsite or at the plant should be addressed with Dispatch at the time of order placement. This allows dispatch to synchronize service and plant capabilities with your production levels by including additional mixing and loading times into the schedule.
Aggregate Orders/Advance Notice
CARWALD encourages customers to place their orders by 3:00 pm the previous day to ensure superior service.
Municipal tarifs rate is applied to all aggregate sales
Excess unloading time may be charged at hourly trucking rate
Payment Method and Credit Apllication
CARWALD offers a variety of payment methods, which include COD, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and Net Terms (on approved credit).
To apply for credit, please download and complete our credit application. Once the application is completed, email to or fax to (780) 849-2888